
$ 466.78

DER HOHEITSTRAEGER 8 Periodicals 1939

Der Hoheitsträger
Amt für Schulungsbriefe, Berlin
1939 [Nr. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,]; (8 Periodicals)
Each periodical with about 48 pages; 
Size: 23 x 32 cm
Condition: Investment grade
Der Hoheitstraeger Published & Edited by Der Reichsorganisationsleiter der NSDAP, Dr Robert Ley. Printed by Buchdruckwerkestatte GmbH., Berlin, 1938. Der Hoheitstraeger magazine (The Standard Bearer) was presented in evidence by prosecution council at the Nurnberg War Crimes Trials in 1945 to clearly identify precisely who were the senior officials of the NSDAP. This was readily achieved through the carefully controlled distribution of Der Hoheitstraeger. In effect, the "standard bearers" had been hoisted by their own petard as the magazine was only distributed to them! Bound in black hard covers with white lettering, size 23 x 32 cms. Each issue around 48 pages of text, b/w photographs, charts and illustrations.